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佛山創(chuàng )銳一站式制造供應商
CR-200 斬拌機

CR-200 斬拌機

佛山國新創(chuàng )銳機電是一家集研發(fā)、制造、銷(xiāo)售、技術(shù)服務(wù)于一體的智能化食品機械設備制造商, 產(chǎn)品新穎、自動(dòng)化程度高、品質(zhì)優(yōu)良、多年來(lái)深得用戶(hù)好評及信賴(lài)。我們專(zhuān)注《CR-200 斬拌機》生產(chǎn)制作,如有什么疑問(wèn),歡迎致電給我們。


CR-200 斬拌機 產(chǎn)品詳情

1. 斬拌機利用斬刀高速旋轉的斬切作用,將肉塊,碎肉,脂肪等主要原料精細的斬切成肉餡或肉泥,同時(shí)將其它原 料如水、冰片、輔料一起攪拌成均勻的乳狀物。斬刀高速旋轉,可以縮短運行時(shí)間,減少物料發(fā)熱量,保持餡料的 天然色澤、彈性、出品率和產(chǎn)品的保質(zhì)期。此外,該設備還適合用于魚(yú)類(lèi)、水果、蔬菜的粉碎加工。

2. 刀軸軸承獨特的支撐方式,確保整體具有良好的同心度,確保動(dòng)平衡,低嗓音等優(yōu)點(diǎn)。

1. The chopping and mixing machine uses the high-speed rotation of the chopper to finely chop the meat chunks, minced meat, fat and other main raw materials into meat stuffing or minced meat, while mixing other raw materials such as water and ice and auxiliary materials into uniform paste. The high speed rotation of the chopper can shorten the operation time, reduce the heat generated by the materials, and maintain the natural color, elasticity, yield and product shelf life of the stuffing. In addition, the equipment is also suitable for crushing fishes, fruits and vegetables.

2. The unique support mode of the cutter bearing ensures good concentricity, dynamic balance and low noise, etc.

CR-200 斬拌機

CR-200 斬拌機

CR-200 斬拌機

上一篇:CR-80 斬拌機
下一篇:CR-330 斬拌機